Catching up with the Love Boat 2.0

Ella Thorogood

By Ella Thorogood

Posted on 12th July 2019

For the second year running, we ran a Valentine's competition for all the single sailors to win a spot aboard the Love Boat. So, we sent 8 strangers out to Greece to spend a week together on a yacht and now they have become the best of friends! We had a catch up with them about their experiences on the Love Boat and whether any one did find love at sea.


Georgia | @georgia_brennan

  1. Where were you when you got the news you’d won a spot?
    • I was waiting for the tube and saw TYW started following me on Instagram and thought it was a bit odd. Once I got over ground, TYW had commented on my picture saying; “Cupid sent a surprise to your inbox”. Before I even checked the email, I was messaging my friends: “OMG DO YOU THINK THIS IS FOR THE LOVE BOAT!” I couldn’t believe it, I was buzzing! I had 2 weeks to prepare everything, which wasn’t easy, but it had to be done.
  2. How was your TYW experience?
    • I can’t put into words how incredible the week was. I would go as far to say, it was the best week of my life. Not sure if it was the people, the sailing, the experiences along the way, or a combination of it all. I’m still getting over it now. I think we all knew it would be good, but I literally enjoyed every minute of it. Now I’m back in London, I can’t listen to house music without reminiscing about the week.
  3. How much did you know about TYW before?
    • I first heard about TYW from one of my university friends and then it became a small obsession of mine. But I knew I’d need to save some pennies before diving deeper into that dream. But then my hopes were ignited when I saw the Love Boat competition on Instagram and entered right away - I had nothing to lose. To this day, I’m still shocked I won.  
  4. Have you experienced anything similar to this before? 
    • Never. And now we’ve done it once, without question it needs to happen again! In fact, we are already looking at the BVI yacht week – it looks incredible. 

Federico | @whiskeyonthericks

  1. Have you ever sailed before?
    • I have sailed before, many times actually, I used to race Laser sail boats throughout my childhood, and I've always found myself to be most comfortable at sea rather than on land (Fun fact: I never suffered sea sickness, but after this years Yacht Week, I found out I suffer of "land" sickness.)
  2. Did you make any romantic connections about the Love Boat?
    • Honestly, I feel like our boat grew something better than romantic relationships, we became a true family. In just one short week, we all got so close to each other. We are still keeping in touch, day-after-day, and reminiscing about the great memories we created on the trip. An yearly reunion is already being planned for our crew!
  3. What do you do back in the real world?
    • Back in the real world, I just graduated my masters a week ago in Cultural Economics & Entrepreneurship at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam. Besides my passion project of creating a new type of liquor in Sicily, I'm now in the process of looking for a post-grad job, so if anyone has any leads, let me know ;D 
  4. How much did you know about TYW before?
    • I had never been on the Yacht Week before, but I knew a bit about it. I had a few friends that had been and told me stories, but mostly I've witnessed crews of the Yacht Week come by year after year in Lipari because of the Italy route (my family comes from Lipari so I'm there every summer) and I could see how much fun everyone was having, and I was admiring the amazing yachts they were sailing in. It was always a dream for me to join one day! 

Sanjana | @sanjanatewari

  1. How was your TYW experience?
    •  Everyone who has been a part of the yacht week told me that this would be the best week of your life, but for a person like me who travels a lot, it is hard to believe as I have had some memorable times around the world. But hear me out now when I say, it was the BEST WEEK of my life at the yacht week. Imagine this, a couple of boats with few beautiful humans in the middle of the sea, living their lives as if there is no tomorrow. I felt like it was a new society and we were the only people on Earth. God! It was magical. Take me back, please?
  2. Would you return to TYW?
    •  Is that even a question? I wish I could be there forever so I just would never have to return. 
  3. What do you do back in the real world?
    • In the real world, I am just dreaming of the days I spent sailing and partying with TYW. Also, I am narrating all my TYW stories to my friends and family over and over again. Apart from that, I am graduating in MA International Sociology and planning to go for a Ph.D. 
  4. What was your first thought when you found out you'd won a spot?
    •  You know when you apply to the online competitions and you think you would never win because what are the chances? Well, never stop trying, especially if it is the yacht week because you just end up having the best week of your life. First I thought that this can’t be it, maybe I have just cleared one round or something. Guess it was a pretty big deal for me to believe that. What are the chances? Without a second thought, I knew I was going to be a part of a phenomenal extravaganza week. 

Radka | @radkahonzova

  1. Where were you when you got the news you'd won a spot?
    • I had a class and we watched online lecture so everyone was super quiet. I noticed that I got notification that TYW tagged me in their story and in that second my heart rate probably doubled. Then I saw the instagram story with all the winners announced and I was one of them, I wanted to jump and scream and of course I wasn't able to pay attention for the rest of the class.
  2. How was your TYW experience?
    • My TYW experience was definitely better than I expected. Everyday was better than the previous one. There were so many things that had happened through the week that it felt like a month long dream you don't want to wake up from. I really didn't want it to end and mostly because of the people I met during the week. I wish we could all live that TYW life forever.
  3. What do you do back in the real world?
    • I actually flew to my graduation in Barcelona right from TYW, so currently I´m fresh graduate of Marketing Management. I'm kinda in the stage that I don't know in which country I will be in two weeks from now, but currently I'm searching for a job in a creative agency so wish me luck!
  4. Have you experienced anything similar to this before?
    • There is nothing like TYW, so I have to say no.

Romulo | @real_romulus

  1. Did you make any romantic connections about the love boat?
    • My love connection happened with all the people that were on the loveboat that I consider now to be my family. But I'll tell you about a really special person: our host Cody, he had with all of us like a mother and son thing, he took such good care of us with the amazing food, reminding us to have lots of water, preparing such amazingly beautiful dishes. He is an amazing person!
  2. How was your TYW experience?
    • I really still can’t describe how huge was this experience for me. Getting to be in a such beautiful place and become friends with people from all around the globe that are in the same vibe as you is a really changing experience. I’m so filled with love for the people that I’ve met and experiences we have lived that it seems we have been there for a lifetime, it was really amazing.
  3. Would you return to TYW?
    • Actually I already did! Haha I had planned the Croatia route before being picked to go on the love boat and the experience was pretty much as incredible as the first one. I may be going to the Caribbean route next year, any loveboat spots for me again @theyachtweek?
  4. Have you experienced anything similar to this before?
    • I’d be lying if I said so. I think everyone should have this kind of experience at least once. You get off The Yacht Week as a new person.

Jan Andrea | @life.of.jam

  1. How was your TYW experience?
    • Before I left I wached many videos about the Yacht Week and people kept saying it was the best week of there life etc and I for sure expected a great experience and honestly I would have never thought me to say it but yes it was one of the best weeks of my life for sure!
  2. What do you do back in the real world?
    • Back in my world I have own Film production company, named Mint mediahouse, and we create and deliver manly commercial videos for all different kind of needs from social media content to high-end image videos, spots and documentaries.
  3. What was your favourite part of the week?
    • The whole experience was incredible but the party at Cavo Bianco, the sunset hike and waking up with a freshly prepared breakfast waiting for you while you're already heading to the next island were for sure outstanding.
  4. Have you ever experienced anything similar to this before?
    • Never experienced such an amazing week before from all the people I've met the parties we had and the places we have been mostly all the memories I have made while just having the time of our life! :)

Barbara | @barbarajohnproduction

  1. Have you ever sailed before?
    • Never it was the first time and I just loved it!!! Sometimes I dream I am on it but I am just on my little bed aha
  2. What do you do back in the real world?
    • I am a freelance videographer and photographer based in London but from Paris.
  3. What was your favourite part of the week?
    • I think, the white party was the best party and all the moments on the boat with the love boat team
  4. Have you experienced anything similar to this before?
    • Never, it’s an epic adventure that can’t be compare to any other trip

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