[image_frame style="framed" align="center" width="568" height="180" image title="Hydra" alt="Hydra Sunset"]https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/293249_10150291383549516_77619914515_7747107_2904018_n.jpg[/image_frame]Over the next few weeks we will be profiling a number of our favourite locations that we encounter along the various routes of The Yacht Week. In the first of these features, we take a look at the Greek island and town of Hydra - the port of choice on the 6th day of the
Greece event along the Saronic archipelago, which runs for 8 weeks between July and August. Our Skipper Manager, Anton, recalls a day on this most special of Greek islands.
[image_frame style="framed" align="right" width="300" height="180" image title="Dhokos" alt="Dhokos bay"]https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/6493_106170454515_77619914515_2028623_4462899_n.jpg[/image_frame]On this morning we wake up in the small natural harbor of the island. The breeze is picking up and the skippers are slowly starting to move along the row of yachts to prepare for departure. With just a 1-2 hour upwind sail through the stunning Cyklades archipelago, today's destination is Hydra.
Outside the small port of Hydra the traffic is busy with private sailboats and minor super yachts with ferries trying to access and leave the docks every few minutes. On approaching the entrance you will see a Yacht Week representative on the pier to guide you to a good spot for the night. People are looking, talking and asking about this large sailing flotilla filled with upbeat young people ready to have the time in their lives. The small local port is filled with action and the yachts are moored on top of each other in row after row on the north side of the dock, protected from the gusts of wind.
[image_frame style="framed" align="right" width="568" height="400" image title="Hydra" alt="Hydra Harbour"]https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/310236_10150301305069516_77619914515_7832756_5378955_n.jpg[/image_frame]
It’s a beautiful day and the sun is tanning our necks as we walk through the narrow but steep alleys of this historical town. Just a minute's walk from the dock the waterfront cliffs are filled with guests of The Yacht Week enjoying a swim while discussing the actions of last night. The more adventurous type jump from the 10m high cliffs straight into the pleasantly warm light blue water.
[image_frame style="framed" align="right" width="300" height="180" image title="Hydra" alt="Drinks in Hydra bay"]https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/254703_10150291381139516_77619914515_7747073_4834092_n.jpg[/image_frame]A hit on this destination is the Sun Set Restaurant where you can enjoy one of the most beautiful sunsets in the Mediterranean while sipping on a beautifully blended, sugar-rich Mojito. As soon as the sun is gone the party vibe starts to show and the group quickly relocates for dinner and drinks with a view over the nearby islands that slowly disappear as nightfall approaches. After dinner, we stop at the small bar Hydrolite for some great quality cocktails before moving onto the nightclub Omilios. This place knows how to throw a party like there's no tomorrow and as the final hoorah of the week this is a night to remember for the rest of your life.
To experience Hydra for yourself and all the other marvelous places along the Saronic Route of our Greece event book now! Grab your friends for the experience of your life... it's nothing like the real world!